Category Archives: Gratitude

Musing from where I don’t have to do laundry (because I’m a ‘weekly gal’ and he’s every day).

My life when COVID began …

How dare I even begin with that? There are so many who have been affected. Affected FAR more than I have been. I should mention though, that I am high risk.

But! That’s where my story, (sort of) began.

I was laid off in October. Laid off from a job I loved. I helped create it, and for five and a half years, I loved being part of it.

Broke my leg in November. Was ‘gifted’ (how horrible – I’d rather they still be on the earth and spend it!) a small inheritance late that month due to a family member passing.

I was still, however, looking for work.

It wasn’t until February that I was out of my ‘immobility’ mechanism. But hey, I was still prepared to catch a ride or work from home.

Then March came. But wait,

Holidays came and went

My kidlet came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, my husband’s kidlets were here.

Here some of us are, plus, my ‘Nic 2.0’. I ‘adopted’ him years ago lol.

Obviously prior to COVID.

But, the first of the year, I was very ill.

Not only a fever, but a continuing dry cough for six months. Other symptoms included complete and utter exhaustion. I was not exhausting myself. I literally (and yes, I mean that, not figuratively) couldn’t keep my eyes open lying down.

I wonder now if I had it.

There’s a part of me that hopes that I did. That it’s over. And, I clearly haven’t passed it to anyone as I hadn’t left the house.

Funny thing is …

My husband is in tune to events prior to me as a ‘pedestrian’.

We had already begun gathering the basics. No, no rush for toilet paper, but, water, non-perishable foods etc. went into our cellar. We had previously been purchasing necessities in bulk regardless.

Life going forward

My husband began working from home.

I stayed in the bedroom to not interrupt him.

I was not working, obviously.

I spent the majority of the time either napping or watching Netflix, THEN napping during it.

I would search for work, stress about when the ‘inheritance’ mortgage payments would run out and I was turning off summer coolants off left and right. (We don’t have A/C, we have ONE wall cooler and a ‘swamp cooler’. If you’re familiar with the swamper, you know it doesn’t work if there is any humidity in the air. Funny you should ask, because, (and I know you didn’t) We HAVEN’T YET HAD A MONSOON!

To the point of ants coming in for a drink in the bathroom.

I’m skipping the ants, because, fuck them.

And I say that kindly. Because, I’m the type of gal who doesn’t harm another creature.

I’ll tap back into this later.

What I did do in between


I spent my waking hours on the porch.

I’ve met, Meatloaf, Pacey, Eyelashes, Feather and Broken Wing. In that order. So, I think I may be killing them actually. 😦

Currently …..

I found a job in town!

I get to talk to actual customers (which I love).

Trust me when I say, the chance of getting a job ‘in town’ where I live has VERY, VERY, VERY low odds.

Still in my my first 120 days probation.

Now, for what you’re waiting for, maybe, if you are a fan. If you’re a souper …


She’s hanging in. Let’s see, she ‘found’ me in 2011. Must have been one back then. So, here she is at 11.

We don’t let her hang out in the outer perimeter so much these days. Too many cacti, too many snakes etc.

She still has a great life.

Yes, she gives the roadrunners a hard time lol. I tell her to knock it off.

They don’t have a roof over their head, consistent meals and lovin’s.

We still don’t speak the same language evidently. (I’m secretively glad when she chases them with her bad hips and stiff legs. She gets her exercise.)

I said I’d get back to the ants.

We had SO many in the bathroom. I will NOT harm a scorpion, spider, snake etc. etc. But, I’m sorry, if you are an ant and have 2.15 acres to BE an ant, you have no business in my home! I know you’re looking for a drink, but get more creative! Live near the dripping outside taps! There was one night I got up to pee and was badly bitten just by having my feet on the floor, that’s when I drew the line in the metaphorical sand.)

TERRO! And, since they’re determined to be on my porch at night, AMDRO stakes outside near to the house.

If I were to be judged.

The ants of my past would say, at my funeral, “She always went out of her way to not step on us.”

The spiders would say, “She always put us outside.”

The tarantula would say, “She pet my leg and hung out with me outside.”

Even the scorpion would say, “I got dizzy, but, then was released.” (bagless vacuum.)


Hope you are all doing well, being kind and staying safe.

My Central Coast is burning. I’m incredibly distressed for those I care for.

2020 seems like an awful meme about now.

Hitchers and Ditchers

It’s been a while – I know!

I don’t know whether to blame my lack of posts on the absence of a laundromat, or just be honest and say I haven’t been doing much of anything I used to do .

I have had a pretty eventful few days however, and thought I would share them with you.


Tuesday …

I had tried to call in Tuesday morning due to a flipping sinus infection I’ve had for over a month.  My boss didn’t get my message until it was after the cut off time for me getting to work on time, so the martyr I am, I drug my arse in.

Turns out my arse was tuckered out after an hour and I had permission to take it home.

I reached a spot where there is a final gas station before coming to my town, and there, on the corner of said station was a woman holding a blue gas can with her thumb out.

I ALMOST stopped – having recently encountered being stuck on the side of that very same road not so long ago, but – I’ve seen too many movies and just knew she had an accomplice lurking.

I passed her, then felt awful.

I vowed if I saw a car on the side of the road (no matter which side) I would go back and collect her.

Not. One. Car.

Which, in and of itself is strange because there’s almost always at LEAST one car showing off it’s hazard lights or exposed engine.

This made me curious and yes, I shared it on my Facebook page.

I was then informed by those ‘in the know’ that the lady hitcher was in fact a hooker.

Hey, I have nothing against hookers personally, but felt like an idiot.  And, what if I HAD pulled over?  Then what?  Would she have come clean?  Or got in?  I will never know.


Thursday …

Alright, so yesterday, I DID stay home.  I slept harder than I can last remember sleeping.  (If you are comparing that sleep to other times I did while only utilizing one quarter of one nostril to breathe through.)

Between almost drowning from my own condition or suffocating, I did manage to get quite a bit of rest actually and I was super thirsty due to a lot of mouth breathing.  I got up late afternoon craving ice cold iced tea.  I had no iced tea.  I was to venture out of my infirmary and GET some dang iced tea.

So I did.

Now, stick with me here.

I’ve explained before how dangerous our local highway is.  I am very cautious!  I get to the gas station just fine, select some tea and prepare to go home to rest some more.

I pulled out into the median turn lane and to my right, both lanes, lots of cars were coming.  So I wait.

The ATV next to me however, decided they didn’t want to wait.  Oh, and first of all, not sure why he was NEXT to me.  Although, I was pulled over pretty tight to the left to execute my turn.

Regardless, back to the ATV.

The driver gunned it!

And as he arrived (barely) safely on the other side of the highway I realized that the ATV was minus a dog.

Here is the actual road (not during the actual moment obviously) – with very professional exhibit markers for you.


There was still throngs of traffic coming and a very stunned looking dog.  Beautiful older collie with a worn bandana.

What to do?


I got out of my car, slowly (as slowly as one can while an animal is in danger of being hit) I approached the pupper and grabbed onto it’s collar.

Across the highway I could hear the passenger, who, evidently was the owner, cursing out the driver in a very big way.

He couldn’t cross to me but he did entertain me as I heard sentences like: “You stupid fucking asshole!”  and “What a stupid idiot!”

I just nodded in agreement and asked the dog if it was okay.

It didn’t answer – just panted and sat looking at me a little stunned.

Finally the owner was able to come to the middle and thanked me and that’s when the gravity of the situation sort of kicked in.

I remember getting into my car.  I remember shaking uncontrollably and I remember making the turn then realizing I didn’t have my seat belt on.

I made it home safely.

But, whoa!

I always like to think I’d react a certain way in different situations – but always suspected I might freeze due to my anxiety.

I was happy I hadn’t frozen.  Because I never could have erased the image of that sweet dog being hit by a car on that highway.

Just as I’ll never be able to look at a blue gas can now without thinking of a hooker.

Rest in Peace Eva.

After hours of conversation,  after this call, we became friends.  Then we had our differences.  Then we ‘forgave’ one another.  Because that is what she taught me.  Thank you Eva for a relationship I will always treasure.


Original Interview



Losing a friend meanwhile, getting lost. Grief and Life.


Well, it was a long week.  And, I reached out a few times and many posts were not posted.


I’ll start with this so you may understand my absence.



And in the words of Mr. Gump.  That’s all I have to say about that.


The weekend she passed … here’s what I was doing.

A hike to Richardson Ranch.  This was the beginning of our adventure.  A friends dog stayed with me, probably because she knew I was the weakest link.


Part Two:

The ‘noose tree’  – We found it like that a long time ago.  I truly hope it wasn’t used for it’s intention. I truly hope it was designed to haul folks out of the dirt road.

Part Three: I explore Richardsons’ Ranch.


Moved on from there and …

Then this happened.  You know, they say ‘Don’t hike alone’ for a reason.  You could sprain an ankle, be struck by a snake, lose yourself.  Which, in this case, happened.  The lose yourself part.

We got home.

One more thing.  I’m watching ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and the doctor is telling John, “You can’t reason your way out of this!”.  Almost verbatim to my doctor telling me “You can’t smart your way out of this.”  Meaning, the anxiety.

But, I’ve made so much progress.

I can drive home.

I can drive to work.

I still do the rituals – my OCD is not going to leave me soon, but will.

I ask myself, things like:  How many times have you HIT a coyote?

How many times have you been in a crash?

How many times has a steer or rock fell off of the pass onto the road (yes, I thought about those things.)

I used logic, even while panicking.

I still acknowledge the unknown, as well as the very known – every cross on that road I take twice a day – but, now I make things practical in my head.

I don’t know what my friend went through in her last days, but I’m betting she didn’t see a light.  I’m betting no phone call or visit would have changed her state of mind.


I am here.

I want to be here.

I am making strives without medicinal help.


And – Bye for NOW.



I have a sparrow annoyed with me.


Its previous nest is blocked (literally, with … blocks) and alights on the wind chime directly in front of me and chirps and chirps.

I pretend I understand. I pretend it understands me and I say things like, “Yes, I know!”  “Yes, I’m sorry.”  “I will build you a home, but it can’t be there.”

Well, today was the day.

Butters had me up twice in the night – she’s not getting any younger and it worries me when she’s out of sorts.

I got completely up at 5.  (Meaning, I had the wherewithal to use all of my faculties at the same time.)

The land around was enticing.

Tangent: I was sharing with a friend yesterday that, while I was glad it was Friday, it was suddenly again Friday.  Life is just ticking away!  Every single day, should count.  So, that in mind, make the moments count right?

Sunrise hike was in order!

A grainy picture of the first of many.


A less grainy picture of the same spot with more light.


Somehow ‘grainier’ photo of the same place in more light.


Sun coming up.


And, brighter.





And some pretentious ‘artistic’ shots.



Mysterious alien circle or … maybe a tire was there for a while.


On the way back.





Butters was exhausted (and, shaking which was scary).


Then came part two.  Gardening.

Gardening is so relaxing and rewarding – is a sentence I will NEVER say.  LOL!

My mother, my Grandmother, my Son are all excellent gardeners.  They have thumbs greener than envy.

I reluctantly do it and have little to no expectations of survival.

I could probably, literally, waltz by a plant and have an adverse effect on it.

However, as Jeff Goldblum will attest to, “Life, um, finds a way.”

New ‘cones’ on the Pine trees.


Strawberry basket still blooming.


My onions, (that I planted entirely too close to each other) survived the snow!


Freshly transplanted Malabar Spinach.  God be with you – because, you can’t count on me.


My potatoes are thriving on top.  God only knows what’s going on where they are supposed to be growing.


Alright, so, now to the bird box.  And, as this picture shows, apparently I have no problems growing weeds/grass.  But, this was what I collected from the barn to create my promise.



Had some problems but, managed somehow.


Open for business.


I was trying to be funny on my page – and how the f&$* did Facebook turn it into an ad???  Anyway, I guess if you can fit in there, I can let you rent it.


Thing is – the bush to the left of it used to be peppered with birds.  Now, they’re wary.  Only had a couple show up at the open house.  And one assumed that the beverages were included.


I may have scared them off rather than made amends.

Makes sense.


It finds a way – and – finds a way out.