Musing from where I don’t have to do laundry (because I’m a ‘weekly gal’ and he’s every day).

My life when COVID began …

How dare I even begin with that? There are so many who have been affected. Affected FAR more than I have been. I should mention though, that I am high risk.

But! That’s where my story, (sort of) began.

I was laid off in October. Laid off from a job I loved. I helped create it, and for five and a half years, I loved being part of it.

Broke my leg in November. Was ‘gifted’ (how horrible – I’d rather they still be on the earth and spend it!) a small inheritance late that month due to a family member passing.

I was still, however, looking for work.

It wasn’t until February that I was out of my ‘immobility’ mechanism. But hey, I was still prepared to catch a ride or work from home.

Then March came. But wait,

Holidays came and went

My kidlet came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, my husband’s kidlets were here.

Here some of us are, plus, my ‘Nic 2.0’. I ‘adopted’ him years ago lol.

Obviously prior to COVID.

But, the first of the year, I was very ill.

Not only a fever, but a continuing dry cough for six months. Other symptoms included complete and utter exhaustion. I was not exhausting myself. I literally (and yes, I mean that, not figuratively) couldn’t keep my eyes open lying down.

I wonder now if I had it.

There’s a part of me that hopes that I did. That it’s over. And, I clearly haven’t passed it to anyone as I hadn’t left the house.

Funny thing is …

My husband is in tune to events prior to me as a ‘pedestrian’.

We had already begun gathering the basics. No, no rush for toilet paper, but, water, non-perishable foods etc. went into our cellar. We had previously been purchasing necessities in bulk regardless.

Life going forward

My husband began working from home.

I stayed in the bedroom to not interrupt him.

I was not working, obviously.

I spent the majority of the time either napping or watching Netflix, THEN napping during it.

I would search for work, stress about when the ‘inheritance’ mortgage payments would run out and I was turning off summer coolants off left and right. (We don’t have A/C, we have ONE wall cooler and a ‘swamp cooler’. If you’re familiar with the swamper, you know it doesn’t work if there is any humidity in the air. Funny you should ask, because, (and I know you didn’t) We HAVEN’T YET HAD A MONSOON!

To the point of ants coming in for a drink in the bathroom.

I’m skipping the ants, because, fuck them.

And I say that kindly. Because, I’m the type of gal who doesn’t harm another creature.

I’ll tap back into this later.

What I did do in between


I spent my waking hours on the porch.

I’ve met, Meatloaf, Pacey, Eyelashes, Feather and Broken Wing. In that order. So, I think I may be killing them actually. 😦

Currently …..

I found a job in town!

I get to talk to actual customers (which I love).

Trust me when I say, the chance of getting a job ‘in town’ where I live has VERY, VERY, VERY low odds.

Still in my my first 120 days probation.

Now, for what you’re waiting for, maybe, if you are a fan. If you’re a souper …


She’s hanging in. Let’s see, she ‘found’ me in 2011. Must have been one back then. So, here she is at 11.

We don’t let her hang out in the outer perimeter so much these days. Too many cacti, too many snakes etc.

She still has a great life.

Yes, she gives the roadrunners a hard time lol. I tell her to knock it off.

They don’t have a roof over their head, consistent meals and lovin’s.

We still don’t speak the same language evidently. (I’m secretively glad when she chases them with her bad hips and stiff legs. She gets her exercise.)

I said I’d get back to the ants.

We had SO many in the bathroom. I will NOT harm a scorpion, spider, snake etc. etc. But, I’m sorry, if you are an ant and have 2.15 acres to BE an ant, you have no business in my home! I know you’re looking for a drink, but get more creative! Live near the dripping outside taps! There was one night I got up to pee and was badly bitten just by having my feet on the floor, that’s when I drew the line in the metaphorical sand.)

TERRO! And, since they’re determined to be on my porch at night, AMDRO stakes outside near to the house.

If I were to be judged.

The ants of my past would say, at my funeral, “She always went out of her way to not step on us.”

The spiders would say, “She always put us outside.”

The tarantula would say, “She pet my leg and hung out with me outside.”

Even the scorpion would say, “I got dizzy, but, then was released.” (bagless vacuum.)


Hope you are all doing well, being kind and staying safe.

My Central Coast is burning. I’m incredibly distressed for those I care for.

2020 seems like an awful meme about now.

About debaucherysoup

I've traveled 4 continents, affording me experiences and adventures to last a lifetime. Most important was the exposure to other cultures, beliefs and lifestyles. I'm also mom to one of the most amazing human beings I know.

Posted on August 23, 2020, in Butters the dog, desert, Gratitude, Musings from the laundromat, Pets, Photography & Art, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I have missed this! I also have enjoyed our phone calls. I’ll bug you soon! (No pun intended) You have had a rough year too. Thanks for your support. Love you my sweet gentle friend.

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