The Octopus in the room


Ok. I’m going to give this a go.  I am keyboardless and, as well as my fingers fly over an actual keyboard, is how NOT well the touch screen thing works for me.  I’m awful at it.  Which I think is partly the reason my ‘pay as you go’ cell phone terrifies me.  The whole’ touch’ ‘swipe’ thingy combined with auto-correct, back up and do it again thing is like a bizarre millennial hokey pokey.

I didn’t want to open like this, and if I had a keyboard, it would start like this:

I’m scaring my dog.

Then it would go on to say:

She sticks close by, unsure of my current mood.  Or, like yesterday, sticks close, positive of it.

I was alone and having one of the worst spells I’ve had in a while.  Ms. Agnostic hit her knees and prayed “PLEASE don’t let me die right now.  Not today.”

My heart was acting up big time.  I could barely walk Butters.  I took the three steps down to our yard and though, “oh my god, I can’t do this.”

But I had to do it.  She needs me.

It was a quick walk around the yard, and when I came in, I felt like calling an ambulance.  My face was flushed, heart pounding, dizzy.  Yeah, taking the dog out to pee.

I know the difference between a ‘spell’ and my ever-increasing anxiety attacks.  This popped up in my news feed the other day and I thought, “Yes!.”


Used to be I had a few triggers.  Now, I have an arsenal.  The screaming from the house next door, a weird sound coming from my car, crowds … Any sort of dispute in my ear shot.  Now, add changing lanes in traffic, Butters taking off and barking in the yard.

My poor nails try daily to grow, but I hinder them and their quest.



I’m alienating friends, scaring off others.  The only time I feel comfortable is at work or with my son.

Even when I DO ‘reach out’ I can’t find the right words and come off as a psycho.

My sleeping pattern is off.  I’ve gained weight, which, is a good thing … But, I haven’t been trying.

top all of this off with my Nannie who has been in the hospital for a while.

I feel like I don’t get to say how much she means to me, because someone might be offended.

I also feel like someone may be offended by sharing my current state of, let’s just say it … Depression.


I am still quite capable of seeing ‘good’, I just don’t feel capable of participating in it.

Poor little Christmas tree is barely ever lit.  I’m not counting Christmas down in ‘how many sleeps!!’

I’m just here.

And  mostly smiling all day and then scaring the dog when I sit on my bed and cry.

But I did just notice my purse looking like a weird octopus, so I still have that.


(Cartoon art credit to Hyberbole and a Half … Please don’t sue me.)


About debaucherysoup

I've traveled 4 continents, affording me experiences and adventures to last a lifetime. Most important was the exposure to other cultures, beliefs and lifestyles. I'm also mom to one of the most amazing human beings I know.

Posted on December 6, 2015, in Butters the dog, Gratitude, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Reblogged this on MetaRead360 Small Press presents and commented:
    Luv the little cartoons too!

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